Our Wisdom International Academy Participated in “seminar for teachers of Japanese educational institutions” sponsored by the company “Sanpou”

at the Tokyo stationery Republican Hall of Asakusa Bridge on June 29.

The theme is “Senior school that is focusing on employment”.There was a lecture meeting such as a employment situation  of international students,

the situation of the companies adopting international students, and the activities for international students to get a job.


In particular, our Wisdom International Academy is in view of alliances with partnership  a “Shenyang-city Equipment-building school” in Shenyang, China.

before,the school accept students in our wisdom,I participated in individual counseling sessions at a private university

booth and other vocational schools booth such as a cooking School, computer electronics,leading Japan automatically school.

The school will be able to collect information about employment place of international students and new school(vocational School) ,

and in the future, it become a chance to  look for a partner school with our academy and became a meaningful seminar participation.


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もうすぐ夏休みになっていますから、 生徒たちに少しの喜びを与えるために、学校は夏休みの前に生徒たちに卵、お米などの食料品を配ります。みなさん、素晴らしい夏休みをお過ごしください。