In wisdom international academy, teachers who is well experienced in Japanese-language education takes charge of the class.

The students can learn well from basic daily Conversation to even the academic Japanese to learn at a university.

There is a staff who can answer with Vietnamese and Chinese, so as to live a student life without worry.

It’s a class charge system, students be able to have consult with our staff about everything, not only about study, but also about a life and be going on to the next stage of education and so on

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Student dormitory

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学生寮 💛美化コンテスト

当学院で実施している「学生支援プロジェクト」の一環として、学生寮美化コンテスト が間もなく開幕します。これは寮生たちに衛生意識を強く持ってもらう事を目的とし ています。部屋を清潔に保ち、是非とも賞金・商品をゲットしてください。